IOD Christmas Party

This fall has been full of craziness for me and I just haven’t had the time to do much crafting and I have fallen way behind on my blogging.  Thankfully I have still managed to steal a little “me time” every once in while to take a break from all the demands of life.


This past Monday was one of those times.  Monday was our annual Ink Or Dye Christmas party.  The Christmas party is always a break from our regular routine.  We meet for dinner at a special restaurant and instead of swapping cards and ATCs, we swap Christmas tags.



The inspiration for my tag came from the Christmas carol, “Silent Night”. 


Here are the tags I received.  The photo just does not do them justice.


In case you are wondering, these won’t be on my packages.  They are going into my treasure box so that I can admire them over and over again!

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